
This is a reprehensible administration. And, for what it’s worth, Trump is a dick, too.

It seems like you probably would if such an opportunity presented itself. You know, considering you just told Patricia how to do hers.

If Deadspin has taught me anything, it’s that baseball fans in Missouri are just awful.

Criminally underrated joke. Underrated because it wasn’t fully appreciated. Criminally because, you know, it’s Baylor.

Eli Manning is right there with them, well, he’s not actually standing in solidarity... But it’s passable.

If he doesn’t stop exclusively calling him ‘Kats’, I anticipate his life being in danger.

“Thanks for Andrew Miller. Enjoy this asshat.”

What are you feeding your dog, man?

What about an inside-the-park home run?

And 2 bad ones for Sam Dyson. His ERA is 72. :(

They could never fit Trump’s head into one of those suits and helmets that SR-71 pilots wore...

That’s because they want the government to leave them alone. Not those heathens over there. The hypocrisy is crippling: “We can’t legislate anything about guns... Some stupid law won’t stop the criminals!! — Also, we need to legislate everything about public bathrooms... We need a stupid law to stop those criminals!”

I was just watching a few episodes of The Magic School Bus on either Hulu or Netflix. That was always the show that happened to come on in the morning when I was sick and staying home from school... I don’t know why but it always made me feel just a little better. I just recently got out of the hospital after

That would just be gosh darn adorable... Like bottle feeding a happy baby.

This reminded me of a 2-3 page assignment that I helped one of my roommates write in college (and by ‘helped’ I mean that I wrote it for him in exchange for an optional one-time donation — it was due the next day, after all). I forget the exact prompt, but I know it had to do with the ‘No Child Left Behind’ act. I

Don’t forget, if you’re ever unsure of what something means you can consult your Acronym Creation, Reclassification, or Nullification Yearly Manual. It’s an invaluable resource.

No. Fuck that guy. He’s a grown-ass man in a leadership position, tasked with fostering a positive environment for his student-athletes. He sits in those players’ homes and sells himself to their parents as a positive role model for their child — someone who is going to develop their character on and off the field,

Now playing

I wanted to make the joke about Trump intentionally throwing — a loose interpretation, no doubt — the first pitch towards a foreign born player who would then be immediately deported. And I was pretty surprised to find that, according to their website, the Nationals only have 4 foreign born players listed on their

That’s the Big BooHoo Nation for ya’...