Your comment got me thinking about the connection between Vin Scully and The Sandlot... The movie is set in southern California during the summer of 1962 -- Imaginary Vin Scully would have already been doing Dodgers games for 12 years!
Your comment got me thinking about the connection between Vin Scully and The Sandlot... The movie is set in southern California during the summer of 1962 -- Imaginary Vin Scully would have already been doing Dodgers games for 12 years!
Right?! I bet he can’t wait to tell his golfing buddies at the country club about these thugs that knocked him down... They should know their place. There’s a war on whites, you know.
Yahoo! runs on a system of levers and pulleys.
If only the Amoroso roll would have knocked a ‘wooder ice’ out of his hand... It could have been the Philly quintuple threat.
Absolutely! This just shows the rush to action of the Rules Committee to save face and make it look they are doing something. First, they move the kickoff up and teams start banging it out of the end zone. But kicks short of the end line give returners up to 9 yards to look for a return to set-up before actually…
Bull Durrrrham
One Threw Over the Cuckoo’s Chest (protector)
I’d say a guy who loves to chase a ball and immediately return it to the person who threw it really has to no room to call anyone an animal.
How embarrassing!! Can you imagine the jeers from the tens of people in attendance?!
With the new football stadium finally complete, their attendance is going to drop even more.
I’ve heard that’s a great stadium up in Minnesota, but do they really need 17,000 ushers and game day vendors?
This could be a moot point within the next few years. MLB has been talking about automatic intentional walks for a while now as part of their efforts to speed up games. They’ve gone far enough to begin testing it in the Arizona Fall league.
Would the pitcher be rolling it over the plate, or significantly off the plate like the current intentional walk? Even an intentional walk pitch is coming in hotter than any pitcher could roll it. Plus, he’s rolling it on grass which will not only slow it down, but the lip of the grass to the dirt around home plate…
I can’t believe I left that part out! I had a great rant going and completely forgot about the surplus military equipment. I started to feel long winded when I started going on about time travel, but damn that’s an awesome point.
For what it’s worth — and I’m not really sure what it is worth — the guy who checked that CNN reporter apparently came up to the guy like 45 minutes later and apologized. He told the reported that he honestly had no idea why he had done it. I found that kind of interesting.
They should try using dick pics to get people to disperse. I think it could be more successful than the tear gas, it certainly couldn’t be less successful.
Great motor. He’s a real coachable kid. That kind of work ethic makes up for whatever he may lack in natural athleticism. That’s how he can make scrappy catches like that. Put him in and just let him compete -- a real gamer. Honestly, he’s just a great, hard working kid from a good family. The kind of kid a coach…
If the lone wolf attackers organized into jurisdictional forces, were tasked by the government to protect and serve the population within that jurisdiction, were paid salaries with our tax dollars, formed incredibly powerful unions, went back in time to establish decades of oppression-based tactics, then came back to…
One of the most recognizable faces in the industry...