Don’t sleep on that pre-game adrenaline pee.
Don’t sleep on that pre-game adrenaline pee.
We had the same deal. If you wanted to pray with the team before or after the game, go ahead... If not, just hang out for a second and do your own thing. It could be a moment of silence, a moment of reflection... Shit, you could think about that blonde in your english class if you wanted to. Same applied to the prayer…
Absolutely a failure on the part of the athletic department.
A lot of schools will order books for their student-athletes ahead of time, although I never imagined that this could be the reason, but now it seems entirely possible. At the beginning of each semester, we’d get an email or text letting us know where to pick up our books. All we had to do was sign-off that we had…
I am a child, sir.
His name is Andy.
Butterfly? More like a Butterkindaflailaround, AMIRITE?!
Have you noticed her weird upper-lip twitch? It’s like she’s actively fighting the muscles in her face to keep smiling.
#KeepPounding probably isn’t a great look for the NFL right now...
There are similarities, definitely. I agree that the skill set is very similar. But there are similarities between football and rugby, too. A different ball is delivered from the opposite arm angle from a flat surface rather than a mound. The dimensions are different, like you mentioned, but softball features a dirt…
Did you not know who Megan Rapinoe was?
Yes, display for display sake... In front of, literally, tens of people.
Where do those 30+ weeks off fit into the calendar? And what lottery did he hit?
How so?
God damn, we get it, bro... You really didn’t need 4 paragraphs sans capitalization to prove that you’re a smug asshole.
I can’t explain why I feel this way, but Peyton Manning really seems like he’d be a Jeb kind of guy.
The Browns may take their lumps but they are, for the most part, not caused by players — well, off the field at least. Remember, they cut Manziel before he was charged. Now, our owner on the hand...
I’ve seen your documentary... What a story!!
I knew where this going from the beginning and I loved every second of it.