Don’t sleep on South Alabama.
Don’t sleep on South Alabama.
You could make it enthralling by, say, mentioning a baggy of ‘talcum power or something’ tucked inside of one of those Foot Joys.
I bought a new phone like 3 weeks ago. So far, I think I’ve actually used it as a phone twice.
I know Carson Tinker because he was the long snapper at Alabama whose girlfriend died in that tornado. Graham Splurt can’t be a real guy...
Some of these neutral site college games are getting out of hand. But they’ll convince fans to pay a lot more to sit farther away and fans will eat it up because it’s never been done before — without ever stopping to think that maybe some of these things haven’t been done before for a reason... I’m not surprised,…
I agree, but it has to start somewhere. And in a world with so many shitty people and things going on, I’ll take all the wins I can get. No matter how small.
It sounds like you have a couple great kids. And great kids come from great parents. I loved reading this.
Thank you for sharing that. Obviously it’s easy to read the story and see the picture and feel good about it — and I honestly believe he had great intentions. But your insight can really help people understand autism a bit better, which is really important.
Because it was a Facebook post, had she not included “That may sound like a terrible thing to say” I think some of those people would have lost their minds and ripped her apart. Which is unfortunate, but a lot of people on Facebook suck.
She’s a day walker, not a ginger.
I used to visit Austism, Texas all the time during the off-season.
That table behind them, the drove of middle school girls, sends shivers up my spine. They’re savages.
Did your joke just get hijacked and turned into another Colin Kaepernick argument?
+1 foggy Christmas eve.
This guy gets it.
My sibling, who thinks she’s sooooo smart, accosted me the other day because I said alumni. Apparently, an individual is an alumnus, while a group are alumni. I thought they were pretty much interchangeable, but I guess not. From now on I’m just going to play it safe and say ‘alum’.
This story is making it really hard to continue hating Jimbo Fisher and Florida State to the degree I would like to hate them.