
I took a dry run with the sound off because I am easily startled like a baby deer.

+1. Now get the fuck out.

Things can go sideways — well, backwards — when you start putting weight over your head. I witnessed a pretty gnarly injury after a guy locked out a shoulder press (standing, no less) and let the weight start drifting backwards over his head. It was probably 95 pounds, but it once it got going gravity took over.

I’d like to star this, but it’s Darren Rovell so I’m conflicted. I’m going to sleep on it and make my official decision tomorrow.

Dan LeBatard did an interview with Bob Ryan earlier this morning after the news of his death broke and part of the conversation was about how unexpected the death was. I believe he was diabetic but there hasn’t been any info on how he died.

I’d wager that many commenters have mastered the ability to eat dinner over the sink while feverishly masturbating.

I just assumed that every one of them has been kicked in the head numerous times. And deservedly so.

Okay, I think I got the hang of this now...

I think this horse sitting thing may actually be dangerous — everyone of those people write like they’ve been kicked in the head at least once. Princess.

I think you’re significantly underestimating how much Deadspin readers jerk off.

Which fields are you referring to?

That’s his problem... You need to get your hands involved, they’re not doing any good down there by your side.

Brian McCann is making his way to Rio as we speak...

(Insert Athlete’s Name)‘s move to (insert team name) is all about the money.

The field in that stadium could never survive if it were grass. Weather aside, it’s the home field for Canton McKinley High School, Walsh University, and Malone University. Not to mention neutral site, playoff, and all-star games, and any non-football events. Even with FieldTurf, it needs to be refurbished after each

I am actually a fan of that plan.

And she’s married to a long snapper. I don’t have a joke for this yet.

She was on NPR last week talking about this and telling more of her story. I don’t know what NPR archives but if you liked the piece it’s worth a listen.

Surely, someone, at some point, whispered in the director’s ear that having a very young girl look directly into the camera and tell America that anything made her taco pop may not play as written.

There’s always gotta be a mighty dong truther out there...