
I don’t deny the existence of football programs that know and exploit their place within a major university’s hierarchy. Additionally, I’m not absolving any university of inappropriate, irresponsible, or negligent behavior. With that being said, your generalization of both coaches and boosters is patently absurd. can’t REALLY dive into coins like Scrooge McDuck.

My home is your vacation!!

I went back and forth on that so many times... I wanted to use wooder, honestly, I really did. I actually was researching ‘wooder ice’ — that’s how I found Rita’s. But, ultimately, they only say ‘wooder ice’ and Dom from South Philly wouldn’t spell it that way — unless he was spelling phonetically. Which, you know, is

You have no idea how many times I went back and forth on that very issue.

I know it was a typo, but I like the word ‘unpire’. I feel like it’s something a lame Little League coach would use when he was arguing a call.

From the 2016 MLB Rule Book:

“Some asshole drugged me! I started asking around and it turns out it was this motherfucker named, like, Nick Diaz or some shit... I dunno, whatever his name is he sounds like a real fuckin’ pussy. He better watch out, too, because I’m looking for him and my bro just texted me that he’s running his mouth on ESPN right

I dated a girl that was super into Lighthouse Attendant... She dragged me to a show they did with My Morning Jacket at the Agora in like 2012. Skinny. Jeans. Everywhere.

Calvin and Hobbes are rightfully at #1, Far Side has the cred to be at #2. However, Get Fuzzy is criminally underrated on this list.

A Florida diet of meth and Busch light would trim that cat up in no time!

It’s possible that the professor’s heart may have, albeit naively and misguidedly, been in the right place. There are professors who think calling the athletic department will lead to a Full House moment where the coach sits down with the player and explains why his behavior in unacceptable and why there needs to be a

Eh, it’s wordy but I like it. +1

Draymond Green... More like Draymond Brown-Lighter-Brown-And-Kind-Of-A-Weird-Speckled-Pattern, AMIRITE?

It wasn’t dull for about 4 minutes between the top and bottom of the 4th. Abraham Almonte hit the first pitch into the bleachers in left. Three batters later Kipnis doubled in Rajai Davis. Two batters later Napoli hit a 2-run line drive over the center field fence.

This response is a good response.

I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why I watched that entire clip.

As long as you got the paper...

Get out...