

You realize that your post comes across as a commenter/twat who can’t let the writers on the website which you patronize not letting go let go, right?

Why Monster D.B.? Why would his character be destroying the other Oz characters and not a witch of some sort? This poster raises more questions than answers!

Are you implying that he needs to ‘act blacker’ in order to be Armed & Dangeruss?

I think ruSS’S could be technically correct. Although ruSS’ is much more common, and more aesthetically pleasing. I think the real question is why they had to put Magic Russ’s on the bag at all. It’s a bag of tricks, we get it — who does it belong to though?! Probably that guy being photographically fellated on the

That’s the problem. You can’t switch teams... It’s like an addiction, you know it’s terrible for you (and will likely kill you one day...), but you keep going back. Being a Browns fan means eternally chasing the football dragon.

Why the Browns don’t suck: We have a dog! A real dog, and he’s a good boy, yes he is!

*You mean Xanax

Uninhabitable conditions aside, tell me you wouldn’t feel just a little bit better if you had a Kangaroo.

Their first round draft pick was Corey Coleman, a WR also from Baylor. With 3 players from Baylor slated to start on offense, I think it’s pretty safe to say that their pass game will have its way with opposing defenses. And those defenses won’t say a word if they know what’s good for them!

We all get it, sooner or later...

Filed under: Sea Boar

So, he’ll probably be pretty stoked when it’s all said and done. He’s one step closer to actually becoming a cyborg.

Some of these GoFundMe pages are getting out of control. Yesterday, there was a link on my Twitter feed for that person’s friend’s 12-year old son who broke his arm skateboarding. The picture on the page was him playing XBox with a cast.

The plug his nose, stick a straw in his ear and blow real hard.

I do my best to avoid any NL scores on ESPN so I can be delighted when I open Deadspin everyday.

Nationwide moment of silence for the Best Fans in Baseball?

I just pictured the Indians rotation unsuccessfully taking turns lobbing a basketball into a tree until Terry Francona finally taps his arm and brings in Brian Shaw to give it a try.

If they could position RGIII in an adjacent yard, I think you’re on to something.

More like what’s down with them, AMIRITE?!