
Some people watch adult videos on their computer... I go to Deadspin and read Kinja comments. That’s what gets me going

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Still one of the scariest injuries I’ve ever seen... This was his 2nd concussion in 2 weeks, and I don’t think he ever fully recovered.

He is extremely photogenic, no doubt about that! I’ve only had Boxers, so I’m always jokingly biased, but I’m a universal dog lover, too. I don’t have a pup right now, I’m still kind of getting over the loss of my last and my schedule is so crazy (I’m a med student) that it would be unfair to the dog. So, naturally, I

While I do agree that your pup is a very good pup, you can not sway my opinion regarding Boxers. That’s an absolutely beautiful dog, though!

The very, very best.

I don’t know if you’re still watching... But the look on LeBron’s face when Zaeveon Dobson’s mother told the crowd that Zaeveon’s 12-year old cousin was also killed by gun violence — you could see the pain in his face.

Before the incident, one of the officers heard an unidentified male, who they later determined to be Draymond Green, ask Edmondson, “What did the five fingers say to the face?”

Looks like Dick Ball is finally going to have a chance to give Draymond a slap on the wrist, instead of the other way around.

Loomis is a real stand up guy. In that he stands up and shows what a fucking asshole he is.

I once walked out during my Black Friday shift when I was working in retail and I can confirm that bosses, in fact, frown on that type of behavior.

Way back when, around the time Black Lives Matter was picking up steam in Ferguson, I made a throw-away comment along the lines of, “Why does there need to be so much derision, can’t we just agree that all lives matter?” I hadn’t put much thought into it at that point and my thinking was along the lines of Let’s all

Fucking Obamacare...

Hmm. I wonder which Doomsday Prepper had ‘race war resulting from the singing of an altered National Anthem at an exhibition baseball game’ in their End of the World betting pool.

Yes. A country’s reaction to an altered National Anthem in the midst of great turmoil and unrest would rival the frantic indifference of the comments section within a Deadspin story.

Probably child molesters, right? I mean, they say that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life — but gas ain’t cheap and those vans aren’t exactly packing in the MPG.

A Schiano Man ignores the ‘slap, slap, slapping’ sound in the shower, because a Schiano Man should be doing jumping jacks whilst in the shower.

Ohhh that is Cecil the Lion, isn’t it? I honestly thought it was Mufasa from the Lion King...

It’s been so awesome to see and hear the love that other cities and their fans have had for Cleveland. I’m obviously biased but, when seemingly every major moment in sports is overly corporate and contrived, the raw emotion of the series, and ultimately the championship, was something really genuine. At least that’s

FOR SALE: Lightly used Warriors bandwagon. 2014 model. Stalls when ahead 3-1. No clutch. Looking to expand, Must sell! $54.3 million, OBO.