
I thought he was a little over the top but mostly pretty funny. Him getting addicted to heroin made me laugh.

Probably voiced by Troy Baker because that is who you get to voice those guys.

I hope it doesn't have a gravel-voiced badass as a main character. Especially if he has a tortured past and is now seeking revenge. Man am I sick of playing gravel-voiced badasses with tortured pasts who are seeking revenge.

Team Kenny. He is my bro. Not very sensible though. Maybe a bit crazy. No regrets regardless. Kenny is more likely to have my back and not run off.

I feel like he has tried to Albert Brooks on a few times but it hasn't worked out. I just figured it would have happened already if he was interested.

Woody Allen and Eddie Murphy would never do one
Chevy Chase and Bill Murray are somewhat unlikely
Albert Brooks too though maybe if he has something to promote
Don Rickles would be great but he is pretty old now
Jim Carrey
Jerry Lewis
Ellen Degeneres
Steve Martin
Sen. Al Franken
Tina Fey
Dave Chappelle
Most of the Monty Python

I have been rewatching The Wire and Jake feels a lot like McNulty. He is a smartass with no respect for authority but is clearly very good at his job. And his relationship with Holt is a comedic version of McNulty and Daniels'.

Mine was pretty similar. He spent most of the time on the 60s. We broke down Revolver track by track and "Good Vibrations" pretty much line by line.

I had a professor who taught "History of Rock n' Roll" and was super
conservative. His home page was the Drudge Report. He complained about
the term "Native American" and may have suggested they deserved to be
wiped out. Sex and swearing made him uncomfortable. In a class about rock n' roll.

Well he is generally considered one of the worst presidents so no.

Being from a small New Hampshire town, I have nothing. NH in general doesn't have a lot. I think most people will take credit for Adam Sandler and Aerosmith but that is really only partial credit and I don't care much for those things. So what ends up making me most proud is H.H. Holmes, prolific serial killer and

Poussey's German girlfriend is the German nanny Pete Campbell has "consensual" sex with on Mad Men.

I'd post the Top Ten Numbers from One to Ten he did on Letterman but its seems CBS has removed every copy from the internet.

Sony's indie montage reminded me of an anecdote from Scott McCloud where he and Neil Gaiman are interviewed on NPR about indie comics. Their segment starts off with some dialogue from Sin City and the subtext is "Whoa. Comics ain't for kids no more."

Another example of Matt and Trey making reductive arguments to make a stupid point: Team America. Sure celebrities can be annoying when they talk about political matters but it is not nearly as bad as American imperialism. Also they are not literally supporting foreign dictators when they speak out against it.

I can't get into a some AV Club hyped bands like Wye Oak and Frightened Rabbit. I listen to a lot of mopey indie rock but those bands seem particularly middle-of-the-road. I like other pleasant indie rock like The National, Grizzly Bear and The Walkmen though so I have no idea why I can't get into those two bands in

He reminds me of Walter White (SPOILERS FOR BREAKING BAD AHEAD). I know there are plenty of differences but they boil down sad bitter old men who feel like the world owe them something. Stannis defenders make me think of people who justify Walter White's actions. All over the internet people will tell you that burning

Davos is such a good hype man he almost convinced me to like Stannis.

Yes every joke about Mike's semen was gold. My favorite was Mike asking "What isn't a hobby?" thinking Selina knew he was masturbating at work.

Girl Talk mixes pop songs to make something fun/beautiful. This guy chops them up to create something monstrous/unholy.