
I watched most of it when it aired. I kind of dropped off during the last season because of school and I think the fact that it would air at weird times. My mom watched it too. I remember both of us laughing very loudly when Bob Loblaw was introduced. I have a cool mom.

I think I know people that take the movie as a support of racism rather than an condemnation of it as in a "Oh look, he was right all along" kind of way. I know that the narration at the end shouldn't allow them to think that but they are kind of dumb. Also the ending is bad.

I think I know people that take the movie as a support of racism rather than an condemnation of it as in a "Oh look, he was right all along" kind of way. I know that the narration at the end shouldn't allow them to think that but they are kind of dumb. Also the ending is bad.

Marge Be Not Proud is one of my favorite episodes. It has Thrillho and Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge. And it's the episode of the Simpsons most likely to make me tear up.

Marge Be Not Proud is one of my favorite episodes. It has Thrillho and Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge. And it's the episode of the Simpsons most likely to make me tear up.

The Half-Life series can be played in sections pretty easily. There are definite high and low points in the action and the game is pretty linear so you won't get lost when you pick it back up. That's why whenever Half-Life 2 Episode 3 (or Half-Life 3) come out I should be able to finally finish Episode 2. Hopefully.

The Half-Life series can be played in sections pretty easily. There are definite high and low points in the action and the game is pretty linear so you won't get lost when you pick it back up. That's why whenever Half-Life 2 Episode 3 (or Half-Life 3) come out I should be able to finally finish Episode 2. Hopefully.

Yeah I always thought of her as apathetic more than incompetent. That can be pretty loathsome though. 

Yeah I always thought of her as apathetic more than incompetent. That can be pretty loathsome though. 

I played Black Mesa in small chunks. Too much Half-Life gets me too stressed out.  I am enjoying it though. I'm almost as far as I was when I played the original game. Marines in this version are deadly accurate from very far across the map. I don't remember them taking that much of my health away the first time i

I played Black Mesa in small chunks. Too much Half-Life gets me too stressed out.  I am enjoying it though. I'm almost as far as I was when I played the original game. Marines in this version are deadly accurate from very far across the map. I don't remember them taking that much of my health away the first time i

I find him and Ben Swain the most detestable characters on the show even though nobody on this are entirely likeable. Those two are slimy and incompetent. They both talk a lot of shit about the other characters but are pretty useless.

I find him and Ben Swain the most detestable characters on the show even though nobody on this are entirely likeable. Those two are slimy and incompetent. They both talk a lot of shit about the other characters but are pretty useless.

I had the same reaction having not seen any of last season. Who is this lady and why does she deserve getting Michael Scott-esque hatred from Andy, having garbage thrown at her, and getting physically pushed at her workplace?

I had the same reaction having not seen any of last season. Who is this lady and why does she deserve getting Michael Scott-esque hatred from Andy, having garbage thrown at her, and getting physically pushed at her workplace?

Mine is in the Poochie episode: "That's why you're still kids, 'cause you're stupid!" It's mostly in the line reading. 

Mine is in the Poochie episode: "That's why you're still kids, 'cause you're stupid!" It's mostly in the line reading. 

I needed an explanation of the coalition government too but now I want an explanation of what positions the Liberal-Democrats hold. Are they a kind of Libertarian-type party? Less spending, more freedoms?

I needed an explanation of the coalition government too but now I want an explanation of what positions the Liberal-Democrats hold. Are they a kind of Libertarian-type party? Less spending, more freedoms?

An AV Club C+ is a like a 6 on the Pitchfork scale. An A is anywhere from a 9 to a 10, A- is 8.6 to 8.9, B+ is a 8.2 to 8.5, B is 7.4 to 8.1, B- is 6.7 to 7.3 and so on.
 Oddly, a Rolling Stone 5 star review is an AV Club B and a Pitchfork 7. Three and half stars is an AV Club A and a Pitchfork 8.8.