
I think Jax is telling the truth, actually. Here’s why:

BUT IT’S BETTER THAN HILLARY, amirite 3rd party voters/non voters??????

Plz don’t respond unless you can detail how Hillary’s 100 days would be worse. Have fun with that assignment.

I don’t mean to pick one of the things that isn’t a massive human rights tragedy, but I just think this exemplifies how fucking bizarre his ideas are at every level. What if all the existing regulations are good ones?? Do we just have a standstill on progress?? Who chooses which go??? Will regulations be impossible to

THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated

Ok, I’ll throw my hat in the ring: my first apartment when I moved to Chicago was in kind of a bad neighborhood. I wound up there partly because I didn’t know the city very well and partly because I couldn’t afford much. The guys in the building next door dealt all kind of drugs including heroin and they were always

I thought your story was the best one this year. Spooky and sad.

So I submitted one before but didn’t realize that I could submit via the comments (thought I forgot my password! I didn’t )

Thanks for picking my story!

I would like to reiterate that some people have stubborn bodies. I know women who run triathlons and eat very well and still have what society considers “fat” on their bodies. Just because eating well and working out worked for you doesn’t mean it’s actually that simple for all body types and metabolisms, and dumping

It would be really great if you could team up with some of the artists who have done illustrations for the site and sell merch with their artwork on it. I love Jez, but I don’t want to wear a t-shirt with just the Jez logo on it, sorry. I will, however, shell out major bucks for some Tara Jacoby artwork on a shirt.

These are as lame as this comment.


My mom tells us not to talk about it, but there is something sensitive about our family. We feel things, and then we bite our tongues to prevent bothers from thinking we are nuts.

Long story short I was laid off from my job and broke up with my live-in boyfriend on the same day. My best friend Rickie and her fiancé let me stay in their detached garage for free, so I moved my whole apartment in there. It was actually pretty cozy except for the plywood and rafters above my head.

This happened several years ago, when I first moved to L.A. and rented a place in a charmingly old/frustratingly old building. I almost took the efficiency next door, but splurged and went for the studio. I’m glad I did, and not just for the stove and the small amount of extra space. 

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

I’ve been reading these stories for a few years now, and I thought I should finally write about what happened. About the cold woman.

When I was about twelve, I went snooping through a closet and found photos of a little girl that looked like me, but seemed to have been taken a good 10 years earlier. I took the box to my mom, who told me that we would talk about it later, and to go outside to play. When I brought the pictures up later, she denied I

Yesssssss *bounces up and down* the only time of year I actively wish I had more paranormal trauma to share with my internet pals