
Since the people at my local Walmart can’t handle or understand how to bathe themselves, I won’t hold my breath. (Except if I have to go into a Walmart, which I will do anything in my power, including paying more elsewhere, to avoid.)

I just wish they’d clean and maintain them once in a while. I always seem to get the cart with something stuck on the wheel, or that tries to constantly go in circles.

My local grocery store in the late 90s put calculators on each cart and those were immediately vandalized/stolen/intentionally broken. Kids are awful.

Our Walmarts here have put a stop to cart thefts. A wheel locks if you take a cart off the lot.

Don’t expect much of a deal. My Babies R Us already liquidated. You might get some clothes and floor stock furniture cheap, but the good stuff was either 25% off or sent back to the manufacturer.

yes, which is downright hilarious given how profitable selling baby stuff is. What a crock that all this leveraged buyout debt tanked the entire business, even including their baby gear concept.

Congrats! I’m a stay at home dad. Don’t let the guilt/stress/frustration get to you (you’ll always be doing better than you think). Try and enjoy it, sadly it goes by too fast, gl.

Welcome to the never going to be able to sleep in club! The first few months are going to be brutal on your sleep schedule but once they sleep through the night you will regain it. I also recommend getting some game related binges in before they are born because you won’t have much time to.

Good luck! My advice is mooostly similar to the other commenter’s. Labor was _super_ fast for my partner, and ended up in a c-section by the end (breach), so I think we didn’t quite have that special moment in the way we expected because the experience was more of a sprint than an exhausting marathon. If your

Nothing will prepare you for the first 2 weeks of roofing tar poop, followed by ass-plosion diapers, or the smell of it. Get a mask and nitrile gloves.

Also, for the first 6 months you will NEVER FECKING SLEEP!

Nothing will prepare you for it. I’ve been a dad for 18 months. And let me tell you. The moment you see your kid for the first time, no matter how worried and nervous and anxious you were, it instantly disappears.

That’s wierd, in the past I’ve noticed the opposite, with the Just for Men looking more artificial, as it usually looks too uniformly paint-like. Unless you are perhaps using the touch of gray stuff that goes in gradually so that you don’t get that dipped-in-an-inkwell complete coverage. It may be a case of going with

The concept of Danity Kane was created by and for the Chinese in order to make female U.S. singing groups non-competitive.

I dye my hair at home and usually go for brown-black, espresso, or some sort of “not quite black but damn near”so it ends up looking like a more natural black than the black helmet look.

None; it’s not a publicly traded company.

Having worked in retail for years, it was obvious when a middle-aged man would come in with jet black hair. Exactly who he thought he was fooling was a mystery to me.

Yes dude. And Descent Free space, and Xwing v tie fighter...

I really miss the old platforming environmental puzzle solving Tomb Raider games. The new ones are good, and fun, but they’re just action games. They’re Assassin’s Creed meets Uncharted. It’s just unfortunate that as video games have progressed, entire genres have fallen by the wayside: flight/space combat sims,

Holy. Shit. How have I never seen this?

Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.