
I think it’s time to bring back these from the MySpace days:

Gun show is right. All I got is two guided tours to a chicken sausage factory

Rubber banding AI.... uggghhhhh

Let’s add this one too :)

Once I saw someone put a perfectly good red apple up their ass. Then followed it up with a green apple.

Have one of these. Amazing keyboard. They are generic switches but feel almost exactly like the Cherry versions. These activate at a slightly higher press. It feels great to me and actually prefer it.

Have one of these. Amazing keyboard. They are generic switches but feel almost exactly like the Cherry versions.

Let him write whatever song he wants but “Part of your world” better be part of this movie.

Oh awesome! Been looking of a speaker system to complete my PC build. Looks like it’s the same price in-store! :)

Oh awesome! Been looking of a speaker system to complete my PC build. Looks like it’s the same price in-store! :)

THQ Wrestling games pls.

When will using Adobe Flash be on this list? :)

To some... maybe...

Now playing

Healthy is right.... healthy amounts of gutter oil :)

Top down was my jam in the late 90s. Reminds me of Take No Prisoners (1997 PC game)

You think I care about the difference?