
These people are racists.

I call bullshit. Those things have holes around the top rim and liquids don't defy gravity, even in vaginas. If there was that much blood in the cup, it would have leaked every time she went to lie down.

"struck some emotional brown note of sentimentality and hunkiness and forbidden love and manipulative sentimentality"

Lindy, have you heard of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating? It sounds like it might be right up your alley/what you are already doing.

Ah, that makes so much sense. Thank you for explaining!

God, I feel so badly for her 17-year-old daughter. I bet she just wanted to die during that scene in the hospital.

Now playing

Everything we think we know about diets, exercise, and weight loss are wrong. The BBC recently did a bunch of coverage about these issues and the paradigm shift they must bring.

WTF is with the commentary on the video?!?!

What is a golden fart? Or was it, like, "This fart material is golden!" I hope it's golden farts, because that would be fucking awesome.

Serious question: how would one drink wine while one is orgasming?

I'm finding this whole story a lot more insufferable than adorable. Then again I've always felt the same way about lemonade stands in general, so take that with a very large grain of salt.

Well, God loves boners, so.

Considering Disney steals work from independent designers I feel like they don't really have grounds for complaint.…. That, my friends, is what we call "hypocrisy."

OMG LINDY WEST COMMENTED ON MY COMMENT. I CAN DIE HAPPY. Also, I'm totally going to watch "Thunderbeast" now. Because of the poop. So thank you for that.

I love me some animal shows! You should check out "My Life as a Turkey." SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!

Every year I forget someone's birthday, but that's because I forget that birthdays are actually a thing.

I like how when she posts a photo that people find rude we are just supposed to deal with it, but when someone else posts a photo she doesn't like we're supposed to do something about it? WhatEVER, douchebaguette.

Anyone else think "Tina Gong" is a great euphemism for masturbation?

I love with articles like this how there are always some people who are compelled to insist the premise is wrong or that they are the exception to the rule.

My 40-something brother-in-law has a bright red sweatshirt that reads in huge, white, all caps bold Helvetica "COOL STORY, BABE. NOW GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH." And he constantly wears that fucking thing *with pride.* And my fucking sister, who bore him two beautiful, about-to-be-teenaged daughters, just rolls her eyes