The reporter’s job is not to simply dump
The reporter’s job is not to simply dump
In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.
Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?
Clemson fans are going talk about this win for years to come. Fortunately, no one else will understand a word of it.
My brother’s ex-wife is the only person I’ve met who eats kiwi skin, which wouldn’t normally be that weird, except she is the pickiest eater on earth. In the five years or so that I knew her, all I ever saw her eat was sushi and chicken (boneless, skinless breast only) and fruits and vegetables, which made the whole…
only a lunatic would eat the shells of peanuts. I have known people to eat kiwi skins, apple cores, and sunflower shells without thinking it’s weird. I am relatively certain one of these crazed maniacs will kill me in my sleep someday.
Keith Richards will outlive every last one of us, though. :)
There’s been an active conversation about all the deaths being related to the rise of celebrities in the 1960's-70's and the ages of that first “class” of very well known musicians/actors/athletes.
Oh good the old bait and switch.
Like you could afford a new Porsche.
i CTE what you did there
I’m curious how Goodell will respond. On the one hand, he hates celebrations, on the other, the League likes to look the other way when players are getting their bells rung.
They told me, as a groomsman, not to drop acid before my friend’s wedding, but fuck it, they were divorced in 18 months anyway, which I foresaw.
I have a vague notion but got lost in the mythopoetic stew of shitty writing.
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.
Corny as it sounds, I always ask my kids after any game/test/competition/evaluation of any sort, win or lose, pass or fail, “Did you do the best you could?” They’ll say yes, and then I’ll say, “Then I couldn’t be prouder.” Then I give them a hug and a kiss and I tell them to never forget how much I love them. Then we…
What's next in this series? Jim Rome writing of a brief encounter with Amy Winehouse in a Sunset Strip bathroom where they bonded over their interest in the Celtics' 1986 draft strategy?