Snap Goes the Gar Parm

dudebra, I know that you are a real American patriot.

Lola, what are your thoughts on this comment? Canadian guy. Raptors fan.

What do you think of this comment? Canadian.

What do you think of this comment. Canadian guy. Pissed off over people criticizing Toronto Raptor fans.

What say you, America is in your name?

He is an asshole, yes.

dreaded, what do you think of this Canadian and his comments about America?

Poor pussy cuck behavior, I see.

How do you feel about this comment, Patriot?

I can’t be cured.

How about more specific people? Better?

Oh, I’m not stable, cuck.

Extra judicial.

Here is your new Canadian buddy, David E. Davis:

Look at the pussy Canadian calling everybody Sparky like he’s some kind of alpha.

Fuck you.

Spreading more love, Corporate Cuck Pussy Bitch>?

Come down to Oaktown for the next game.