
“How was school honey?”

I can’t speak for everyone at the A.V. Club, but I’m sorry about all of those times I broke into your home and made you listen to me tell you what products are bad.

Yeah! I’m going to switch to one of those other sites that does a much more comprehensive job of providing high quality movie reviews... oh, wait.

Thanks for reading! Buy one of my books!

I’d have expected Lauren Duca to have a more interesting username.


Are there smakes on this Plame?

Seconded. For however one feels about Face/Off, it is an auteurist work, every bit informed by John Woo the same way every bit of Robocop is informed by Paul Verhoven. I suspect revisiting such a film will have the same results as that remake did. Some cool ideas here and there, but devoid of cinematic personality.

In the opposite roles...

What ‘made’ the original face-off was Asian cinema’s penchant for overt unapologetic sentimentality imported to the US by director John Woo. If they take the screenplay and turn it into a Jason Statham action flick there will be nothing left of the film.

Today, still wanted by the government, she survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The Plame-Team.

Honestly just cast Nic Cage and John Travolta again.

Jeff Goldblum / Aubrey Plaza

Now playing

It’s almost as if people are unfamiliar with the concept of ‘acting’:

The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”

Who fucking cares?

Your first mistake was reading Jezebel.

In Soviet Russia, girl gropes YOU!

Thank you for caring about the truth..