Yep. This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment of our healthcare system and the effects of weak labor protections.
Yep. This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment of our healthcare system and the effects of weak labor protections.
All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens.
Pretty much every Klasky-Csupo show has unappealing-looking character designs.
As an illustrator and animator, I’ve always cringed at 3D adaptations of 2D characters. Linework and flat shapes just don’t translate into a 3D turnaround, especially giant, bulging Simpsons-style eyes. It ends up looking like horrifying merchandise come to life.
they look like macy’s day parade float versions of the original characters.
Yeah its blindingly clear that was the intention. Goes to show don’t assume anything when planning an event, it merely makes an ass out of you. At least this confirms that the Academy doesn’t actually know who won until the envelope is opened, although that was pretty clear during the great mix up moment.
We all know the *real reason*
The tree that the Carters live inside is actually very nice.
This headline is just plain silly. No sane human being looked at that photo and thought, “Hmm. Joe Biden must be 8 feet tall.”
But why tho?
I was in grade school when Star Wars first came out. My best friend made an R2D2 toy out of a spool from thread, half a ping-pong ball, and a blue marker. Best Star Wars toy ever.
I was in grade school when Star Wars first came out. My best friend made an R2D2 toy out of a spool from thread,…
Is it Fantastic Four’s 4, though? My initial thought was “Avengers 4" (because it could be either “A” or “4"). Now I think it’s just a symbol of Phase 4.
Either way, I would be more happy with an “X”.
I mean, that’s sort of what comic books are as a general rule right? You can partake in elements if you want, but it rewards being fully invested.
I definitely cried at this.
Yeah, some of the use of songs did really distract me more than anything
1. The Amber story arc was a little messy and confusing at times
I think that each individual song choice was okay--like I would listen to the songs outside of the show--but they felt kind of awkward in the context of the show. A little too early-YouTube AMV for my tastes.
Knowing enough to win at Jeopardy doesn’t have anything to do with knowing that a hand gesture has been semi-ironically adopted by white supremecists.
This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.
I feel sorry for the poor intern who had to be the mule that day.