I'd like to see a live performance of Lurleen Lumpkin's entire catalogue. Why hasn't anyone made "Don't Look Up My Dress Unless You Mean It" an actual song yet?
I'd like to see a live performance of Lurleen Lumpkin's entire catalogue. Why hasn't anyone made "Don't Look Up My Dress Unless You Mean It" an actual song yet?
Blanche: (opening a Christmas gift from Rose) Why, it's a blouse! A beautiful blouse!
Rose: I hope you like it. Dorothy said to get you something crotchless.
I only wish we actually got to hear a little of "I Can't Believe I Grew a Hair There" beyond the ooom-pa-pahs.
I also love how increasingly lame and out-of-touch their pop-culture references are. Though pushing 40, they're still mentally locked in to their late 90s - early 00s "glory" days - a time when (in their own minds) Dennis was the golden god, Dee's acting dreams were within reach, and Gone 'Til November was the JAAAAAM,
That rant was worthy of a Shakespearean villain.
That was a clunker for me, but that just might be because their ballads have never been my particular jam. Good For / At Nothing is stellar, though.
Their recent EP was pretty good (except for the last track, "Fast Horses," which is just awful. The Femmes have never been particularly adept at slow jams, in my opinion, and work much better in that folksy-punky realm), so I expect this album will be worth a listen. And I'd love to see them live again - one of my…
"Why Do Birds Sing" is pretty strong and "Hallowed Ground" has some great tracks, too.
Whaaat? I saw them three or four times from '99 - '06 and I always thought they put on a great show.
Or when Volkswagen used "Gimme the Car."
That lady whose swivel chair started sinking got me good.
If only Book of Mormon had debuted two years earlier, "You and Me (But Mostly Me)" would have been my wedding song.
What kind of slime would I marry?
Even though I'm a fan of Tarantino, I had zero interest in seeing this movie (meh, cars. Boring). Caught it once it was released on cable and realized how wrong I was. Great movie and easily Tarantino's best soundtrack. Love this track, but the scenes featuring the fantastic "Hold Tight!" and "Down in Mexico" are…
Hello, I am a forest witch,
And I would like to share with you this prophecy
Hello, I am the second witch,
It's a vision that bodes well for you, but not Banquo!
It has so many awesome parts
You simply won't believe how much our words will change your life!
Yeah, it's been quite some time since I've seen them live, but in the three times I saw them, the only Pinkerton track I heard was Tired of Sex.
I will never understand why Rivers hates Pinkerton so much. It's their masterpiece.
This. Every time.
No villain list is complete without Captain Vidal from Pan's Labyrinth. He's a rare example of a straight-up villain, the kind no one could possibly root for.
I dunno, I think she pretty ratchet