
She was a beautiful innocent creature! What did she ever do to you?!?

Your icon is giving me life.


She was a beautiful, innocent creature! Whaddid she ever do to you?

You killed little Cosette? I should strangle you!

The cut from Mac to the ostrich is one of the greatest sight gags in TV history.

It hard not to go with Nightman Cometh as my favorite episode. I even chose it for our family Halloween costume this year.

Same! Although her pecking at her sandwich like a ravenous, deranged bird in "Mac and Dennis: Manhunters" is a close second.

I can't think of anyone who comes close to Kaitlin Olson in terms of physical comedy - she gives me shades of Chris Farley at times.

I think "Please Please Please" was the first Smiths song I heard but I had the same reaction of instant love.

I love the idea of Morrissey penning the lyrics to that song and imagining all of his fans weeping along to it after he shuffles off his mortal coil. I always get a kick out of Morrissey's witty narcissism, with "All You Need Is Me" being a shining, later day example.

How could you not at least smirk when Morrissey croons, "In my life, why do I smile at people whom I'd much rather kick in the eyeeee?"

Yeah that album is just fantastic. I also love "A Rush and a Push…"

Jeff Buckley's cover is pretty stellar, too.

Paint a Vulgar Picture is one of my absolute favorites, but now it reminds me a bit of Amy Winehouse. Her last "album" Lioness was such a disaster of outtakes and really rough (likely inebriated vocals) and while listening to it, all I could think of was this song - "At the record company party, on their hands - at

According to a documentary I recently saw, she killed Amy Winehouse, too!

"Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows" is good-old fashioned car chase music.

Ah yes, many a zany, early-90s movie montage was set to this song.

There's a kernel of truth to that.

Hungry for burritos now. Curse ye, vile temptress and your appetizing siren song!