
I think it works like this:

I don’t get it.

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

Because Kara deemed it important. Even though Deadspin deemed it a hoax.

Who knows? Thing is, I think Kara is too young to remember that people clutching their pearls over music is nothing new. Ten years ago, remember the uproar the Dixie Chicks caused? People were gathering their CDs to trash them? Twenty years “gangster rap” and “sex rap” bands like 2 Live Crew had a whole court fiasco

Slow media day?

why is this non story getting attention?

This shit seems incredibly lame and unfunny for the reception it’s getting everywhere. like, “Ted 2"-level bad; maybe worse because it’s so openly proud of itself for not really being that clever

South Park has never espoused a specific political ideology (although they’ve taken questionable positions on specific issues). Actively hating the show because of it’s politics has always been a sign of a person taking themselves too seriously. Frankly, I’m more defensive about visiting this place, really gives

I’m thinking Burneko rented a thesaurus online and was about to run out of time to access it without having to pay another rental fee.

So urgent his article, a thousand word “think piece” on a candidate who dropped out a month ago. I eagerly anticipate your thoughts on Fred Thompson.

South Park had an entire episode about how Trump sucks. This is a strange article.

Also, South Park is the best thing on TV

You realize this, everything you’ve typed here, is exactly what Deadspin is right? Smugly mocking, well, everything? That’s what you do.

Mr. Burneko, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

Ironically, the best way to link such disparate entities with no apparent natural or obvious connection would be... an episode of South Park.

I still think the survival of the GOP stems on them being able to adapt to what the Paul’s started. A libertarian sense of fiscal conservatism, the libertarianesque approach to social issues, and some refocusing on some of the power to the states.

Wow. You are a drooling retard. Go burn your dick in some fondue.

What did I just read? You can use all the big words you want in your writing, that doesn’t make it logical or sensible.

I am confused by your hatred of South Park and also by its alleged connection to Rand Paul.