

You must have missed that part. Keeping hardware you've already paid for costs a grand in Tesla world.

I doubt Tesla will do the full encryption as that has overhead costs for performance…


Please go back to r/conservative with your misinformation.

There is being passionate and then there is tying this stupid shit up in our already overloaded court system. The moment they extended this beyond their circles, it became a dick-measuring contest.

Billy Mitchell’s reaction

God I can’t imagine caring this much about this issue. How much money is gonna be spent on this dick-measuring contest that maybe 500 people actually care about?

No, they didn’t. It’s a different provisional count, and not the one to rely on for now.

People in this country can’t be bothered to be even mildly inconvenienced for the benefit of others, much less make any actual economic or lifestyle sacrifices. I walked to work today and nobody was wearing a mask, groups of people hanging out together, etc. FFS, even in New York where shit is really bad, people are

I guess nobody has told him how Lincoln’s presidency ended,...

Leftist LIES! Fake news! Fake news!

I guess you don’t work in a hospital.

And I can guarantee that DeVos and Musk are not mixing with the unwashed riffraff, they expect everyone else to put themselves at risk instead.

President pussy ass bitch failed to show leadership and wanted the governors to take the fall, then encouraged protests. The people that need government guidance the most are the ones putting themselves at risk, basically grown children.

And when not enough people show up to those stores for them to pay their creditors they go bankrupt, their employees have no unemployment, and the economy collapses even further on top of an increased pandemic...

I read somewhere a good shower though: The Economy is collapsing because people are only buying what the really need to live.

We must patriotically sacrifice tens of thousands of lives so that unemployment numbers stay down and retail stores are open to sell mostly worthless shit to support corporations!