
I think with me, it's Mann. I don't love this movie as much as I (think) I should. Something's missing here. Or maybe, it's the run time. Idk. Its an anomaly to me. Collateral is prob my fav Mann film.

Of course your realize, Gerald won't stand for these Games!!

Is there really an "Icon of Coil" ? Or did your phone auto correct Lacuna Coil ?

Do you like the Arliss ?

His presence demands some Iron Maiden!

I know I used to watch the shit outta that show (and Pete & Pete) but I'll be damned if I can remember a single episode.

That's what I'm saying. Or u can google it if you can't wait.

Just wait. She looks, stunning.

Gugino and Daddario ? Sounds like a sexy lingerie clothing line. Or maybe it doesn't. But, those 2 and lingerie. Good things man.

Dickish? Yes. Funny? Probably not.

Jim Breuer has a hilarious Lars story. I believe he told it on Howard Stern a few years back. It's about them hanging out in the city and Lars acting like a dick.

This and Tremors were the "scariest" movies I could handle as a 10yr old. (Tremors mighta come a little later)

Anyone know when The Humane Centipede is coming out? .

You've been promoted to detective Internet. Good job

That was badass. And gnarly.

Harry Hearer's