
I'll just leave this here.

No homo?

Wouldn't it have made more sense to paint a Star Destroyer instead of the Falcon?

I wish this movie wasn't marketed as an action chase flick. When I first saw it, I absolutely HATED it. When the movie came out on Blu Ray, I gave it another chance so I rented it from redbox. I'm glad I did because now that I know what kind of movie it is, I enjoyed it a lot more.

When you think about it, It's cheaper than Netflix in the long run.

AWWWW Look at baby Chun-Li and her wee little boots!

He's for display only!

I did see that and am hoping that it comes with the torpedo case :)

Wow....For a quick second there I was all excited and immediately though MK VII. Noticed triangle chest piece and was severely disappointed. This is basically the MK VI from Iron Man 2 which I already own :( At least the one I have has interchangeable battle damaged chest piece and arm. Hope I win the prize pack and

It swaps out. I have the Iron Man 2 Mk VI and it came with two heads. One was the helmet closed with light up eyes and the second was the helmet with slide up visor. The faceplate has a magnet that sticks to his face. Slide the faceplate up and the jaw down and it reveals Tony's face.

I see what you did there.

I would totally let her nibble on my E37 while I plough her with my White Wolf. If you know what I mean.

How about better connections and GETTING RID OF FUCKING LAG COMPENSATION

It will. I'd reserve it once midnight hits (9pm western time)

Last I heard, they haven't even started on the new Smash Bros. I'm hoping Capcom will suprise everyone and announce Megaman Legends 3 for consoles (Like it should have been announced since the beginning.....)

He got hit once with the destroyer gun. And it probably wasn't as strong as the actual destroyer. Hulk fucked him up pretty bad with the repeated slams to the ground(My favorite scene out of the whole movie!)

If he shot Loki's mirror image, then it would have dissipated.

And now because of this news, record amounts of Lithium Ion battery gadgets will be shipped and explode

"The biggest threat to human civilization is being stuck with each for eons" STUCK WITH WHAT?!?!?! I MUST KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lest ye forget that war back then was fought by taking turns. One side fired, the other side took it and fired next.