Premature ejaculation joke?
There's a (fake?) penis.
I can see it now. Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 HD for XBOX 360/PS3 and Kingdom Hearts 3 for XBOX 360/PS3
It's a baby. He more than likely won't remember the lion trying to nom nom his itty bitty grape.
How about getting rid of that stupid lag compensation? Also hit detection. If I shoot a rocket and it misses I'm fine with getting a hit marker, but if it hits a guy square in the gut and I only get a hit marker then I get angry.
Can we hope they get rid of the stupid lag compensation and start using dedicated servers?
Interesting last name.
I like the part where the game has infinite ammo.
You sir speak the truth!
And they cancelled MegaMan Legends 3? What the hell is this-I don't even.....
You mean Nolan's swan song on the Batman franchise correct? lol
July lol
I was onboard until I saw the teeth
Why does this story sound so familiar?
Should have used one of the rear tires from The Dark Knight's Tumbler for the back tire.