
There's your culprit

Why do the guys look like girls? Oh wait...that's anime for you

Just say that you do when that lawsuit is filed >:)

Email sent!

Your taste buds can't repel awesomeness of that magnitude!!

The Ten Commandments looked amazing on Blu Ray

I do remember watching the empire of dreams and when Lucas showed the original cut to all his friends, Spielberg was the only one who liked it and had faith in it.

Silly me. I thought that was a real arc of people being launching simultaneously...what was I thinking?

Maybe that's what happened to him thus caused his nose to disintegrate.

Thank you thank you but alas I can not take credit for the picture. It's all over the net if you look for it :)

Now I can play the "got your nose" game with the baby

I still have mine and much to my surprise, IT STILL WORKS!!!!!

Neveldine and Taylor need to be banned form writing and directing anymore movies after the abortions that were Crank 2, Gamer, and their screenplay for Jonah Hex.......

Probably from your front door to your driveway.

Metro PCS is looking pretty good right about now.....

I love Beast Wars. I still remember watching it every monday through friday before school. Sure the animation is primitive by today's standards but I still love it enough to have bought the complete series box set from shout factory. In all honesty I prefer it more than the original G1 cartoons but that is just my

Draco's mom is hot

(Lower case whisper) mine?....