Amazon has them for $25 and some change shipped. From the official site it will probably be about 40 bucks with shipping and tax.
Amazon has them for $25 and some change shipped. From the official site it will probably be about 40 bucks with shipping and tax.
won AT life?
Thank you thank you :D
I had to do it
What the hell? Why are people so freaking stupid?
It was a prop car. At the end of the episode they showed the flattened shell and the beautifully restored car next to it and he was clarifying that they didn't really crush it. It was a prop car that belonged to disney
That's not project car hell. THIS is project car hell. Sorry for the crappy quality. Only one I could find.
I always wanted one of these but never got one. I'm 23 and I still kind of want one....
Oddly enough, the RC version looks tons better than the actual car. Maybe if the wheels on the actual thing came out more like in the RC version
You mean Sandcrawler?
Jeez that thing is pretty loud!
MINIDISCS!?!?! I still have mine!!! And it works perfectly well too!!!