
5e is the hot bidness. Everything is streamlined, and combat isn't a chore. Magic users are a good cross between the lovingly crafted spell-lists of yesteryear and the ability to NOT BE COMPLETELY USELESS AFTER THREE MAGIC MISSILES from 4e. Also, Warlocks and Monks done very well.

THIS. Excited to see how the DM guide turns out :)


"And we're going to lose him as the ruler of Latveria, too, I'm guessing."

That implies you've never played TF2 before. You're missing out, bro.

The Avengers

I learned to type on a computer and always double space after a period, except when my tablet or phone autocorrects the double space to a period plus space.

You can take "law" out of that sentence, and it still makes complete sense.

Remember, this is French law, which defies all reason and logic.

You're basically absolving your friend of any blame for being a shitty person.

But that's the problem! She wouldn't give her kid the anecdote!

Spotify pays more money per listener than prime time radio airplay. And that's all it is really, on demand radio. I guess then she feels the choice of listening to her music is what costs more, if it's forced on you is not worth as much, even though the content is identical.

So to summarize everything she said:

I moved to Florida about 3 months ago. Not long enough ago to vote, but long enough to hear one of the most conservative ads for Legalization I have ever heard.

Chili Klaus, Danish Chili Pepper enthusiast and most appropriate named person ever.

"Books are the REAL treasures!" is a surprisingly un-villainous sentiment tucked away in there like tiny, linty candy corn in a pile of better, delicious candy.

That's about my opinion on eating these sea bugs. Buttery claws or not.

I think it would've been easier to create a list of what can be refrozen... seems the majority of it will go bad.

Now we just need a McGuffin to somehow split Felicity in two so she can exist as both Geek-licity and Goth-licity at the same time.

Yellow happy faces are racist?!?

Oh boy. Here I was, supposed to be offended and indignant, and no one told me.