
That....doesn't actually make it any more likely.

Warning: This transgression will not go unpunished Meatbags.



Isnt an android just a fancier version of a robot? The definition IS a robot usually in human form.


I can't believe no one mentioned the robot from "Lost In Space"; he (it?) was the perfect counter to Dr. Zachary Smith

OBVIOUSLY the government made those dolls AFTER they met the aliens. Make a toy from the image of an alien, thus discrediting anyone who ever posts any pictures of the real aliens. It's so obvious.

Thanks, Mike!

::sputter:: I'm sorry, I think I heard you say that this was in celebration of Playstation's 20th anniversary.

I may be a horrible person for saying this but I agree... She was in public and it isn't like anyone from google flagged it and made her a "land mark". Furthermore, this is what you get when you give people something for free. Are we paying for google to map everything? No. Do we feel entitled to complain about google

There's a book that came out earlier this year called Console Wars that covers the story between Nintendo and Sega in the height of their Cold War. Seth Rogan is doing a film adaptation of that book.

Google gets fined for posting a picture of a woman's cleavage? Gizmodo posts the same picture. Ahh, the internet.

I would bet that the shame triggered by the publicity of the frivolous lawsuit would be more damaging that the shame of her cleavage being displayed on Google Maps. Just my thoughts.

If you haven't read it, I *highly* recommend reading Console Wars. A great, in-depth look at Sega during the Kalinsky era, and even some background into Nintendo and Sony too.

Why even bother trading your old console in for a new one? You'd probably only get $100 max, maybe a bit more if you traded in a bunch of games as well.

But Luke! How would Sony and MS then be able to sell you the Super Ultra HD Remakes of all your favorite games in full 60 FPS 1080p glory*?

Winning at getting people butthurt, apparently.

I still say he should have turned into a Super Famicom to go with the Mega Drive Megatron.

Why? I'm glad they don't. Why is it the government's job to tell me how to raise my kids? It's not. I work from home so someone's usually always home, but occasionally we'll leave my 13 and 11 year olds home together if we go out shopping. This'd be illegal across the border in Illinois, more nanny-state BS. Use your