
I thought the running away was very in character for Rosa, as well as Holt's reaction to it. Her plan was amazing. With or without the scorpions.

Nah man she's alright. Had a kid a few years back and stopped making films for a while

Next time. I swear a couple of the scenes between them the shots they used were ones in which they broke character laughing at the stupid things they were saying to each other. I loved it all.

Yeah but they all kinda hurt each other's family back and forth for a while and then The Stath's character gets backstory and now they're cool

I mean, other than the dead taste buds and need for fresh brain, it's not the worst form of functional immortality…

Allllllllll the way back in episode 1 when Ravi immediately discovers Liv is a zombie.

They do go to great lengths to mention every so often that the zombies still have heartbeats (1 beat every 6 seconds). So maybe they'd just grow at 1/10th the rate of a regular kid?

If you haven't already read it, The Passage by Justin Cronin may interest you. It's set a solid 90 years after… something goes down. Really great book and a finished trilogy.

It's what it looks like when the actor doesn't commit to the role enough to actually have their hands cut off for scenes not needing them.

Clearly he had a good nurse!


Oh geez yeah. I was ok with the cat death, very par for the course in regards to gore in this show. Then it meowed and I felt bad for not feeling bad before.

That was my very nerdiest MCU moment. I made a excited noise and had to explain what I'd noticed and why I was excited to a friend.

I was ready for Michael to say that Eleanor had got it wrong and the twist would be that 2 of them HAD to leave and by gambling it on her and Chidi there was no way for him to stop Shawn taking them.

I'm hoping for a fist fight between her character and Letty in which her hair is grabbed by Letty and she just cuts it off to get away.

Life Model May…. might we see other Life Model Agents? …. *cough* Ward.

I'm hoping for a classic "Life Model May doesn't know she's not May" and then we get a LMay + May Vs. Aida showdown toward the end of the season.

Well the Ron Pearlman goblin did have an illegally carried wand. Being non-human and having it, that was part of her 'subtle' gangster tribute.

I think they were going for "humane 'painless' execution in a haze of happy memories" provided by the silver stuff pulled from head and dumped in the weird mercury pool.

Surely he does something in secret as well though…