
‘Very Smart Brothas’? More like ‘Very Racist Asshole’.

“Um, who told you that you can speak? When it is time for your words, we will let you know. And maybe that time will never come. We’ll see. Now, just shut up and stand there. Maybe get on your phone and google ‘How not to be a colonizer.’ Whatever you do, I want to hear you not speaking.”

Yes, that’s exactly what we should do to other human beings, because it was in a cool scene in a movie. And obviously we are in charge of when other human beings are allowed to speak and when they aren’t. And I’m sure they’ll respond as well to being barked at as well as we would, because luckily, the spectacle of

Yes. We need more hate and distancing based on skin color! This will solve a lot of things! Especially in privileged America!

‘“I have a dream” that one day a man will be completely justified in belittling and “shush”-ing another man for speaking solely based upon the color of his skin.’

“Um, who told you that you can speak? When it is time for your words, we will let you know. And maybe that time will never come. We’ll see. Now, just shut up and stand there.””

The racism on this site is disturbing as fuck. Not sure Univision should be comfortable promoting this shit.

You are an incredibly well formed moron. I haven’t come across anyone as stupid as you, ever, in my life.

Yup. This whole site reinforces the bad stereotypes of blacks. #Neverwillcatchup

You want black people to bark like dogs? Lmfao ok have fun with that

This will certainly lead to people in disadvantaged positions being taken more seriously.

Yeah, that was some ignorant shit; only made up for by the fact that they were just fucking with them. So, let’s not.