
FEMA has been forced to economize a bit on the trailers they are staging to the Carolinas right now. Not so many features as the Katrina shelters. But these are weather appropriate and personally selected by Mike Pence!

Imprisoning brown kids is more important than helping the public during a natural disaster. Got it.

“Do we even need a FEMA? Can’t people buy their own umbrellas?”

Anyone who gets washed out to sea will be denied re-entry into the country.  

It only seems like there’s no repercussions because the time until the next election (mid-terms) is just DRAGGING with this guy.

Well certainly world unity.  They got it down to just two sides!

Most people don’t realize that 1939 to 1945 was a great time for world peace.

The stock market had a great month in October 1929. A lot of people don’t realize that. 

More living brown people. 

If he thinks that is a success, what does he think a failure would look like?

I appreciate your (s)wordplay.

The problem being the handcuffing and 11 hour detention.

I sure as hell would be bitter if my country handcuffed people and kept them overnight at a facility with no beds. America keep treating the world like slaves, maybe out of old habits?

Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists.  They might have drawn a sword on someone.

The dance off episode was gleefully dreadful. And Macy Gray didn’t help matters.

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Also, natural sugar from fruit along with the fiber it contains, is not the same as from table sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

John Joseph-Louis Johnson II...