The fact that I’m being PENALIZED for being HORNY FOR JOHN KRASINSKI is an absolute DISGRACE and this is WHY Gawker needs to UNIONIZE
The fact that I’m being PENALIZED for being HORNY FOR JOHN KRASINSKI is an absolute DISGRACE and this is WHY Gawker needs to UNIONIZE
This. I don't actually watched Switched at Birth, but ABC Family actually has some seriously quality programming wrt diversity. The Fosters, especially, has some incredible things going with sexual orientation and race. Even Pretty Little Liars has some good moments.
Slightly related... are you guys going to cover the recent Switched at Birth episodes that have been centering around an on-campus rape? Has anyone been watching? Because I've been really impressed with the nuance they've shown in that plot line.
That's literally exactly why they are tormenting her. They feel entitled to women's bodies, especially attractive women and double especially for celebrities. So when these women don't play by the script (Apologizing like THEY did something wrong when it's the hackers who are the ones who are bad) they want to punish…
Agreed. I've never before seen a celeb fauxpology admit that "I didn't mean it that way" doesn't cancel out any hurt caused, or that people might still be hurt and angry after the apology and that's okay. Hill sounds totally ready to take his lumps.
Most celebrities just seem to go with "I didn't mean it like that,"…
I'm glad you brought this up, because while I was listening to this, the first thing popped up in my head was "IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY UGH" and then two seconds later he made this point. That stopped me in my tracks.
I think it's kind of hilarious. They were in fucking Portlaoise of all places.
Honestly, he seems like a good guy who actually respects women. I feel like he's either written or tweeted about women being equals and treating them to reflect that. I think he is being genuine but I could see how it could come off as sarcasm as well.
I think he's serious. I'm a man — whenever I'm forced by circumstances to be in close proximity to a woman I don't know, my #1 concern is how to signal that I'm not going to do anything shady. This is most awkward when a woman opens the door to my building and I follow in and then we end up going to the same floor—I…
Mark Hoppus also tweeted this a few days ago. I was disappointed at first because I thought he was being sarcastic, but he's tweeted his support for #YesAllWomen so I think he might actual have been serious.
Open Letter to the Man who just wants quiet.
Not all drones.
That was the term I was looking for! So angry!