
Alternative: Switch to Mac. :o) lol

You're right. She had her freakdum dress on. Duh!

Atta boy!

I love Russell Brand! Where can I get one? lol :ob

@Alicemagic: I agree that some of these type of apps can be tedious to get working, but some are definitely easier to use than others.

@YOUTALKINTOME: Perhaps you should take your own advice. That was not nice.

Oooh...where can I get one?

@Smashaga: Sounds like good feedback for the Google team. :o)

I ❤ you guys! Don't know what I did before I found you. :o)

Now that's a good way to start my morning. Reading the comments to this picture had me rolling. <3

Well, it's about time Yahoo!

When I was younger, I used to think the same thing. I used to feel bad* that I was born half black/half korean and not all korean or white. :-(

@astrosmash: Wasn't the whole idea of getting out from Mom's skirt to be able to express your creative freedom without having a limit placed on it, or was that just me?

@water baby: No kidding, I did a triple take! WTF.

It sounds like Lindsay didn't meet a requirement of her probation thus an arrest warrant has been issued. :-( Bad Lindsay...baaaad.

Okay, totally O/T, but I thought the title stated "Bish Cycle" — I had to do a triple take to be sure. I guess it's still to early in the morn for me...

@The Amazing Ant: Ha! I come in at 2AM every morning. I got you beat. <3.

"...Oh no girl, you can't ask me that."

The result of Just Dancing. :-) "...I've had a little bit too much...uh-uh-uch..."