This woman can do no wrong in the eyes of comedy. <3 her!
This woman can do no wrong in the eyes of comedy. <3 her!
@thirdopticaltool: Why do you call it "butt-rock"?
@ClockOnTheStove: Yup. She used up her "Get Out of Jail Free!" card. Pass Go! betch...I dare ya.
That picture is totally the shit.
@Roufuss: Because I kicked his ass in both last week. Ha ha.
@Sanjo: Aside from the 7 replies above, you're golden. :-) lol
Wow, that is a pretty app, and for only $1.00? That's practically a steal...I see that being an unannounced special "holiday price".
@kadaj24: Grant your roommate sounds like a bad example.
@ReconToaster.: D'you know that Blizz employees get a lifetime membership just for working there? If you're ever feelin left out in the cold and want another shot at a lifetime membership. ;-b
Why don't you just pry my eyelids open and pour sand in my eyes. Ouch!
@femaledwightschrute: The guy that is with her looks like a really young Tim Robbins from this far away! :-)
/narrator speaks
I love bacon, but there is something not right about that picture.
That was better than I could have ever hoped for. Happy holidays!
@Seriously: I've heard that too. My ex told me that, funnily enough. - I look for symmetry, but not in the face. :-)
They get major props if they can get that title on the air.
@dirtybee: Now put a dude in the same position...
@Sam Munro: Smart ass comments when someone has a genuine question will never be cool. Just a thought.
@OprahBabb: fuckin a. "look" away even.*
@AvgElitist: i am right there with you. it's like a car crash, can't walk away.