Hi Mom! Hi Dad!!
Hi Mom! Hi Dad!!
@ilikenoise: Russell Brand until I die.: OMG! You are SO spot on with that. That was exactly my first thought, it looked like those fugly ass t-shirts with the tuxedo front.
Fallout 3 and Fable 2.
/sings I'm tellin you to HIT that.
Say that last line again, it sounds soooooo good.
Gotta hand it to her. She's starting off small.
He looks like I do when my contact are dried out, and there is no [contact] solution insight.
MORE! I want MORE! /drool
Megan is the fucking QUEEN when it comes to writing a blog that calls people on their shit.
Back off ladies. He flagging me down.
Chocobo Dungeon for the Wii.
Insane in the membrance.
McCain: When you find yourself in a hole, the best thing to do is STOP DIGGING.
/ahem: QuickSend Sends Simple, One-Hand Emails from Your iPhone
Drunky also needs a new fashion advisor.
zOMG lolz!