Can’t believe the show is over..... :’(
Can’t believe the show is over..... :’(
The “rich” part seems distinctly relevant.
Kate Bryan is a writer in Washington, D.C., who has worked for conservative and anti-abortion organizations.
“sexual integrity” is a loaded statement too
That Starsky and Hutch pose, whichever Klan member that is on the right.... looks like a plastic Barbie shape from behind.
The shower is double size with a full bench along one wall and two shower heads.
I’ve gotten off on the idea—but in theory is different than in practice.
Especially because he keeps suggesting every friends of mine.
No but thanks for pointing out that show, looks interesting ! :D
but in the end everyone chickens out.
My husband has been lovingly informed that he is forbidden ever to die.
Must be hard to be an American.
Hey get out of here with your reasoned thinking.
about a belief within the NFL that the “on-field product” is becoming kinda shitty,
We need to send you guys Peter Mansbridge for a few gigs.
They have Maddow? And they gave it to..... him!?
Dear NBC Execs,
Samantha Bee or John Oliver.
Of course Tolkien had a crystal ball....
Like any war memorial.