
I have more of a problem with the linking of September 11th (and since this is America, the linking of *everything*) with commerce

I’m a bit grumpy because I visited a famous WWII museum in the US that left out France as an Allied power and Stalin as an Allied leader.

If it can’t be made into an excuse to sell more stuff, it’s un-American.


I put threesomes on my list of things that are “Better In Theory Than In Practice.”

Rose put the pressure on herself to participate only because she talks about sex a lot and found it necessary to walk the walk.

how the document was obtained doesn’t matter.

but the moment an actual medical record or document is accessed by a person without the authority to do so, whether personally or thru someone else, they open themselves up to a certain amount of liability.

On a soundstage next to the lunar lander?

the struggle is real

Comparing black people that really were being systemically oppressed in a horrible way versus black athletes making millions of dollars

So what’s Blackberry a noun for now? I imagine that’s changed since then.

I imagine they smell nice.

Sounds like me and Sa’Rah Hamm were separated at birth.

That is what CJ does

Aren’t you quaint.

Your constant referral to women as “the ladies” is condescending at best.

but it’s not competitive with guys.

Owners of sports teams in general can be cunty bastards.

One player “disrespects” the national anthem, so no players get a chance to “respect” it. ‘Murica!