
It's fucking amazing to me that so many so-called liberals openly subscribe to the "might makes right" argument. Winning a war doesn't "settle" anything. Quite often, "victory" has to be enforced through perpetual violence. Just look at the Irish, the Vietnamese, Serbians, Kurds, the Basque people, the Kabyle of

So, anyone who disagrees with you is "terrible". Anyone who agrees with you is a saint until proven otherwise, in which case they are a hypocrite whose actions in no way tarnish your beliefs.

Never surprised when the "people are just shitty — shrug" defense is used to excuse artists or political leaders. It's called "moving the goalposts," putting Humanity on trial to give the criminal time to slip out of the courtroom.

Because, of course, the average Muslim is far worse than the blood-sucking undead…