
ohhh lord I'm gonna get an avalanche of responses now aren't I? One hit wonder does not mean a studio is now proven. Just because they have tons of cash doesn't mean they are suddenly a capable studio able to churn out all sorts of products simultaneously.

Sorry but I can not accept this. Since when was it okay for grown men to start dressing like Anime women, bronies, lusting after cartoon images of pubescent teen girls. Grown men in Japan playing a coin op game specifically designed and built for children. This coming from a country that has to have female only subway

Bullshit. Women who are legally allowed to appear in porn are at least above the age of consent. The girls of the ages depicted in this kind of material are not capable of consent.

Do pedophilic apologists really need to be catered to? Really?

I have to say it:

This entire thread:

See to me. quite a few of them look like cartoons of very young girls.

"I'm buying this game just to support people who have the integrity to make a game like this, "
