Samuil Guhonter

I owned a CX, the car that came after the DS. Same suspension. Very VERY comfortable, the steering wheel can be turned with 1 finger and automatically resets to straight when you let go. Very comfy seats and lots of room for passengers & luggage. It wasn’t good, it was great!

Seems more and more we as players need to vote even more with our wallets. Lessons are still not learned. I for one don’t preorder anymore, nor will I buy at first day. Saved me 60 bucks on F76.

And don’t take cheap winter tyres, either. Check for test results and buy a good set, the difference is enormous. They last longer & give much better grip.

Whatever people might think of Kotaku and you as a person, I feel smarter and informed reading this article, thank you very much ;)

I can see the upcoming movie: “The Wolves of Rockstar”.

Studies you say? I got one from a quick search, too:

Well, imho a Narcissist is most hurt when losing face. So this is actually a great way to get at him.

I do agree that some can never be pleased, but people react to ‘unfair’ in this case, imho. And it’s the blatant greed that riled so many, I’d say.

My 2 cents from the other side of the Atlantic: Don’t be bothered by the haters too much, please. Imho you don’t owe any of them an explanation of your life choices and just because nowadays everyone can voice an opinion online instantly, it doesn’t mean they are correct or even entitled to enforce it on the world.

In an Arcade there isn’t much anonymity anyone could hide behind. Actions have consequences there. As long as there are no consequences to fear it won’t change a thing.

I can be toxic at times, depends on my mood, really. Not in this game, but not that it would matter, it’s an industry problem. I myself would propose a 3-strike rule across the board, twice you get a warning with a temp ban and the third time it’s permanent.

Since we only heard one side of the story it’s hard to feel bad for the losing neighbors or root for the other guy. Who knows how loud that work in the garage gets and at what time of day or night. If I had to live next to a garage where there is welding, grinding, pneumatic tools and whatever else falls in between (


US car = shoddy quality. abysmal mpg. big as a boat. ugly af.

I’m sorry, but you still got enough years ahead of you to influence the future if you really were concerned and not just saying so. Putting it at the feet of the generations to come and make it their problem is imho the greatest sin of this time, 

I had to laugh as well, and I would give a lot to to know why. Why am I laughing at these stupid segments? Jeez, are we really that easy to entertain? Maybe we should just wither away and make room for something superior...

I don’t know why, but I can’t relate. But then again, I understood quite a while ago that women are much tougher than men, and are not the weak gender at all.

Those made my day, Jerry :)

My contribution to this wonderful discussion: