
I wonder if her skills in “winning the internet” will translate into winning in immigration and family courts?

You’d think her messy personal life would keep her busy and off the internet.

Check out the CDC website.

Or just bury adulterers to their neck in sand, throw gays off of roof tops, tolerate and encourage public rape, stoning and jihad against those who do not agree with you.

Judeo-Christian religion has the idea that humans are fallen creatures”

The SPLC has also designated his Family Research Council as a hate group.”

The science does not support your opinion.

No.  That is not the reason.

telling black folks what to do is obviously racism.

My dog is more useful to me than you are.  Sorry.

You don’t get to judge other’s disabilities. Thank goodness.

Dogs perform service. Homeless people do not.

Dogs poop.

You’re a racist.

Lots of folks love their dogs and don’t treat them like crap.  That’s a sign of humanity.

The woman paid for two tickets.  Her dog didn’t fly free.  A support dog performs a service.  You don’t get to judge other’s disabilities.

A support dog is preforming a service.

You can’t judge an animal by it’s looks nor a woman by her skin color without revealing your racism.

And second, would a white guy have been treated like this under the same dumb policy?”

Because they understand how capitalism works?