Unless the owner pays for it.
Unless the owner pays for it.
An ambulance chasing Scheister says he didn’t see the client being belligerent. Hmmmm.
Having a belligerent and sick passenger leave the plane isn’t racism no matter that passengers skin melanin content.
Your lack of empathy for this woman based on her race is the problem. And likely why many prefer animals to racists like yourself.
No dear. It’s a fine example of when playing the race card isn’t useful.
That’s utterly ridiculous. But you do you.
Nicotine is also a relaxing drug. It stimulates and it calms. So different from caffeine.
“Nicotine is a hell of a drug, just like cocaine, heroin, alcohol, refined sugar, caffeine, etc”
No it was a gang thing.
Unfortunately, it’s only vaping with illegal THC products that is causing the recent severe lung damage. So there is that.
The Constitution disagrees.
As the state of Texas is 70% “white” the fact this particular shooter was the of racial majority is neither surprising nor newsworthy.
Try washing your sheets more often friend.
Children often attempt to impress with big words 😉
I guess most people care as much where they stick their dicks as any of the folks in a gay pride parade.
Opinions are like noses friend. Everyone has them.
Starbucks gets my name wrong every time. Dude deal with it.
Didn’t realize this website was a conservative bastion.
Lol. Jews argue over who is the real Nazi at least as long as any minority in the US has argued over who is the real slave.
Yes. You are silly. To equate immigration with genocide.