
If even one of those children were harmed at the hands of their patents there would be hell to pay by those who could have but did not prevent it.

Staying in business is the first rule of good business.

Even the possibility of something that literally ruins a servers life and an owner’s business is too high.

“Bigot chicken!”

If maybe she was just a Bitch hassling the server.

It costs money.

Given that someone can go to jail for serving you I think the power trip is valid.

Servers can go to jail for serving those not legally allowed to drink.

The only recourse is moving to another bar.

That’s a lot of effort fir a $5 rail tab.

No one gets moved up for giving staff a hard time.

I cannot imagine going to all that effort for a bouncer salary.

No one has to serve you.  Especially if you’re an entitled asshole.

Establishments reserve the right to refuse service.

Weird how people have their own thoughts and ideas you don’t always agree with huh?

Italians and Germans? I think you mean Sicilians and SS.  

I’m not wondering.  Omar hails from a nation of thrives and warlords.  Same as it ever was .

You are repeating the same opinion from another source.  Not a citation.

Ah yes. The context that warps clear logic.