
Because he’s trapped at the bottom of the bottom of that barrel with nothing to add but snark for those on top of him.

The idea is to replace the net that traps people with an actual no strings attached cash payment.

That is the stock I come from and I’ll be damned if I let idiot racists run me down.

Internalized racism is s hell a drug.

The problem is that Americans have worked to build their happiness and security.  They generally feel a person deserves that which they contribute to.  Fomenting racism is not contributing to the happiness or security of America.

An American ally that had state sponsored pirates kidnapping citizens?

Racists of all political stripes disgust me.

Saying the quiet part out loud is helpful too.

Racists usually agree with racism.

Well, definitions matter. 

Being as racist as a Trump supporter is a weak defense.

Internalized racism is a helluva drug.

Being as racist as Trump is a weak defense.

Truth is fairly subjective.  She is telling her truth.  That isn’t without consequences.

Racists agree with racists.

She says the racist parts out loud.

And black men are responsible for a disproportionate amount of gun violence. What is your point?

Citation needed .

Her “insights” are openly racist.

Racists tend to agree with racists.