That's a good point...I'm not seeing any fighting games...did I miss something?
That's a damn-near perfect summary.
This is a outrage!
I need to buy one of these...for some reason.
Sean Bean is awesome.
Ba-zing! :D
I cared about the cast of VII. It's nice to know that your opinion overrules everyone else's though. And for the record, Kefka would have been a much better villain if it didn't feel like they incorporated slapstick into all of his appearances.
Huh? What was that noise?
No one cares about a whiny billionaire.
The thing is, SyFy (seefee) hates all of you. This is why all the good shows on this channel get cancelled.
The hell it is.
I don't understand why SyFy hates us so much. First they change their name to "SyFy" which is incredibly stupid looking, and then they cancel SGU. I now have no need to watch anything on that channel anymore as all the rest of the shows are unimpressive. Oh wait, I forgot about Ghost Hunters....pfft. I got creepier…
The Chaoswar Saga? Really? I have no idea if the book is good or not although I'm quite sure he can kick my ass at writing, but Chaoswar saga sounds really lame.
Kanye likes fish dicks.
It's Michael Bay. All he does is ruin movies. He should just be a special effects director, and leave the plots to people with actual talent.
The who?
Guitar Hero died when they put a nickelback song in the game. This is old news.
I dunno, Swype gets words wrong all the time, even when I take care to make sure I'm hitting all the letters perfectly. I like it, but the accuracy could be better (and yes I've tried adjusting it).