Yeah...I wasn't aware that anyone actually used Home. Time for Sony to focus their efforts on making online communication much more effective and convenient.
Yeah...I wasn't aware that anyone actually used Home. Time for Sony to focus their efforts on making online communication much more effective and convenient.
@Chernobyl: You forgot taco shells, and cheese.
@balloondoggle: Soylent Green is people.
@Norbs: Blocking kicks ass. You don't even have to see the comments they make on mutual friends posts. Which is good because my ex is a filthy, filthy whore.
This is going to suck.
Why is this a Kotaku story?
@Sunwind: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
This might be the saddest thing I've ever seen.
@HK-47: No, it's too big. The 4.3's are already pushing the limit. Pick up the Dell Streak sometime. It's absurd to call that thing a phone.
@Blobdude: Yeah, that's the one that threw me off.
I've always found Coolermaster to be top end when it comes to cases. Solid designs, tons of room inside, and lots of features. Not to mention they tend to look pretty damn cool. Just my humble opinion :)
@crazypills77: Still, every day it's for the iPhone. Lot's of other things use apps. Lame.
Or just root it and get numerous updates quicker and better than whatever OTA crap your service provider gives you.
@wohdin: Awesome.
@ARYXANDRE: Activistion is just trying to turn CoD into a Madden-like franchise where they can crap one out every year and say "LOOKIT!!!" without having really made it any better.
@FrankieViturello: Yes.
Oh cool. Maybe we can get it with Bing too. I just love Bing on my google phone.
That doesn't seem all that diabolical. What I enjoy is changing someone's host file so that when they try to go to google or facebook it links them to a porn site, or something else that's inappropriate.
@Damob: Wasn't that what the Brothers Grimm movie was? yeah. No I think I'll not go there. I don't need to come home with an extra arm.