
Uh-Oh. Time to fan a bunch of money in Sakaguchi's face to come back!

@tonilost: Yes. This will be going on my DVR.

@Batmanuel: Are you really appalled? Do you watch American media? I live in a country where Tiger Woods' personal life is a bigger deal than the war in the middle east. The news here is a joke. Thank God for the Daily Show.

@AngryFork: I somewhat agree with this is assessment. The storyline and gameplay sucked. However, the music was good, as were the graphics. The problem is normally, the FF series defines badass graphics. This isn't the case anymore. Square is falling behind.

I think next on their agenda should be to make a law limiting how many times the car insurance companies can force their crappy commercials on us per hour. I'm convinced that car insurance commercials make up 75% of all commercials.

@Vinnie Vici: Yeah they seem to be doing that more and more. Since Android is now selling more than iPhone I'm not sure why they keep ignoring the apps.

I don't understand why this is worth spending 10 million bucks. I'm all for historical documentation and whatnot, but 10 million is good chunk to feed the homeless or help fight cancer, etc.

@Meirelle: That's cool. I'm claiming ownership of dark energy being that most of the universe is made of that. Don't worry, I'm selling it really cheap!

@George Lampard: FOX is cancelling Fringe? Man I thought that show was doing well. I really hate FOX.

@Cheney Guevara: Yeah but I think we can at least agree that Willem Dafoe was creepy as hell in Wild at Heart.

I just think it's amazing that how after all these years Myst still looks pretty damn good.

@Taggart6: Well I can't speak for the others but I lol'd :D

@Narishma: Certainly taking their sweet time...*grumble grumble*

Hey John, how about releasing the PC version of Rage?

@JCDenton: Yeah I have to agree with the General here. AC1 had plenty of problems, but AC2 blew me away with all the things they made better. It wasn't perfect, but still worth every penny (especially now since you can get it used for like 20 bucks)

Anyone other than me looking forward to Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom?