
@Koda89: People hated 12 because the plot was terrible, and the characters were boring. Not trying to belittle your opinion or anything, but that's what the answer is. Compared to 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, the plot just didn't compare.

I'm guessing they were having a "who's the bigger douchebag" competition.

@Kovski: Yeah that makes me feel like I'm going to get gang-raped or something in there.

@junior ghoul: Or the always classic "I've got 3.5 inches for her floppy drive!"

@Maori_Yelir: I agree. Season's 1 and 4 were awesome. 2 and 3...not so much.

I'm sure whatever it is it will be awesome.

@PossibleCabbage: I'm in the same boat as you. Fortunately since all the songs from that movie suck, I'm not torn. This is my opinion. I'm not trolling.

@3in1Doctor: This isn't the first time 3D has been big. Yes, the last time was with the crappy blue/red glasses, but it faded out. I think it is sort of a fad as in it will go away in this current form. 3D will probably stick around, but not with the glasses and whatnot. A lot of people I know hate watching 3D movies

@(Zombie) Goldwings -again- Just in time for Halloween: Ok please fill me in on what changed. The multiplayer feels exactly the same. The AI isn't any better or worse than the original SC. Don't get me wrong. I still love the game, but they certainly could have done more. Hell, even Warcraft 3 got a new playable race.

18 months is pathetic. How long did it take from SC till SC2 came out? And all they did was up the graphics and add a couple units. Oh, and take away LAN play. As much money as Blizzard rakes in from WoW they really need to get their shit together.

@ursa: Yeah but as soon as either Google or Apple comes up with a viable enterprise solution then RIM will be going the way of the dinosaur.

I wonder if James Cameron owns one of those Avatar Fleshlights.

@ArcaneDigital: I was gonna say they looked like those guys in Killzone.

I want one.

@Dabamasha: Yeah it's totally not worth it if they don't.

And out of nowhere comes and 18-wheeler and it's all like BWAAAARSHHHHH!!!!