
They should just secretly put a Britney Spears CD in this new one, along with that picture of Nelson.

They also forgot to mention that the WoW expansion comes out this fall. While I don't particularly care, that is a huge deal for a lot of people.

I love how most people assume that because it has the call of duty title then it will be good. Treyarch sucks.

@gutlesswonder: You've apparently never seen Primal Fear. His role scarred me when I was a kid.

@Celtic1888: Yeah I'm gonna wait for the torrent out of...respect...yeah, that's the ticket.

So? The U.S. does this with all its carriers.

Can someone explain to me why this is 4 bucks? I'm serious. Why would I just not go pick up a 500 page novel for 3 bucks more? I know people like the art and all, but I just can't get past the price tag. I'd probably get more comics if they were say 2 dollars.

I liked this review. Especially the part about super-ninjas.

@Benstamania: I do both, and I'm good at both. Using a PC is much easier and far more precise than a console will ever be. However that doesn't stop me from spending most of my FPS'ing time on MW2 on xbox360. It's all a matter of preference, and like the guy above me stated, you shouldn't lump everyone into the same

It's funny when people realize this. Now when you're playing Gears you start to hear Marcus in a whole new way.

@samosir: This isn't unusual. South America is big with this too. You can find people selling ripped movies all over the place. Usually they're just cam's, but if you don't care about the quality then you can make out big.

@m0b3k3: That's not true at all. The Nano (current form) and shuffle are wonderful workout tools, and good for kids. If anything has outlived its usefulness it's the Touch. Just go get an iPhone. It's the same thing except you can make phone calls with it.

Sooo....slow news day?

@NerD:blogOtaku: (and @rb1971 - E39M5 + E9 CSi) "Tourist-free." Those are wonderful words lol. I've been to several historic areas (Chichen Itza, Valley of the Kings, etc) and it makes you wonder where all these people come from. I'll definitely try to free up the time to take the hike then.

@sepirioth: I'm thinking what you don't realize is that the creator of all the good FF's no longer works for Square. This is why their stories and gameplay are no longer good. Graphically amazing as usual, but no real plot to be had. VagEnthusiast is right in what he said. WoW's graphics may not be topnotch, but

@NerD:blogOtaku: Yeah Macchu Picchu was really just the same as Camp David is for the POTUS. Beautiful though. I've been to Peru 6 times yet I can never seem to make it there. One day...

@ddhboy: The missing clock speed is more than made up for by the awesome GPU it carries.